
Second degree Internal Security

Duration: 4 semesters

Degree awarded: Master's degree

Mode: full-time and part-time

Graduates of the second-degree internal security course are prepared to work in public administration, with a focus on organisational units of state and local government services responsible for internal security (the Police, the Army, the Border Guard, the Penitentiary Service, the Government Protection Bureau, the Internal Security Agency, municipal guards, etc.). He/she may also take up employment in organizations dealing with citizens' security (e.g. security agencies, detective agencies) and business entities and crisis response teams (e.g. local government departments of crisis management or civil defence). As far as employers in the region are concerned, the expected places of employment for graduates of the Interior Security major are in particular: numerous Border Guard posts, District Police Headquarters, Military Units, or local governments (municipalities and cities). Due to the location in the north-eastern region, there is a high demand from various uniformed services for graduates of the abovementioned specialisation. Moreover, officers working in them improve their qualifications and therefore willingly take advantage of the offer of education at the second-degree studies.


  • State services

This specialization is designed to prepare candidates expressing interest in serving in the Police, the State Fire Service, the Border Guard, the Customs Service, the Penitentiary Service, Municipal and Communal Guards, or working in local institutions and crisis management bodies, as well as business entities providing services of protection of persons and property, detective services, or special trade, including in military structures. In the soft services sector, it is worth mentioning risk management and multidirectional handling of border trade.
Graduates will have a broad knowledge of the legal regulations governing the operation of individual services. Within the specialisation, future candidates for work in state services will also be prepared in self-defence and intervention techniques, as well as weapon handling and professional courses.

  • Criminology and criminalistics

Studies with a specialization in Criminology and Criminalistics are intended for people who would like to pursue a future in public safety and order and crime prevention. The specialization provides a multi-level education of all fields that are important in counteracting crime and working on solving criminal problems. The student will gain knowledge of investigative techniques, how to inspect a crime scene, but also elements of psychology, logic, and much more. He/she will also learn about the ways of fighting and preventing crimes and methods of social rehabilitation. The specialization is designed for people interested in security issues and finding employment in stable conditions of public administration. Graduates of the specialization will acquire not only skills and knowledge but also a real perspective allowing them to demonstrate a practical approach to their tasks. Thanks to classes with outstanding practitioners with extensive experience, they will be able to see the practical possibilities of applying the knowledge they have gained.

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